Here's the 4-1-1, people...

(Nov. 27) LexLuv trademark approved, etc.
The USPTO registered LexLuv as a service mark of TXTGMS, LLC.
Woot Woot! It took a year-and-a-half...
In other news, work on porting the server code from Perl to JavaScript continues apace after the usual PNW summer coding break. It's a big project, but will eventually allow us to host the server in the 'cloud' so the site doesn't go down for three days when there's a windstorm.
Passkey implementation has interrupted the porting process — it's exciting and new!

(Feb. 3) SMS→RCS (not for iPhone, yet)
LexLuv is trying to enter the brave (not so) new world of RCS messaging. There aren't many providers out there yet, so I've gone to the champion of RCS in the US: Google. If you are an Android Person and have RCS enabled and want to receive RCS text alerts instead of SMS ones to help me test, let me know — I need to manually add your phone number to the Google RCS system for now.

(Jan. 23) Quick word definitions
Click a word on the board to see a very concise definition (except for the most recently played word in red, if challengeable). It shouldn't give away possible plurals or other forms of the word.

(Jan. 22) Back-end changes...
Currently, the server user two different database interfaces. We are slowly moving everything to one db instance with one interface, which will make it easier to port the server software to a new computer language in the future. Things may break; tell us if they do.

(Dec. 5) New lexicon in town!
The NASPA (the org that runs many tournaments in North America) has released a new lexicon. This is the first word list update with actual new words in five years. The last update in 2020 simply removed words considered by the NASPA to have meaning only as slurs (seeemingly prompted by BLM-inspired awareness). The NWL23 has almost five thousand new words, bae! Check out a list of the 2-8 letter ones at the bottom of this page. And here's an amusing rant in Slate about some of the recent changes.

(Nov. 16) Game Offers are back.
And hopefully they're a little easier to use. Check them out from the main menu if you're looking for someone new to play. If you don't see what you want, create your own game offer. Feedback appreciated.

(10/29) Home Button Fun!

(10/16) LexLuv has new Sign In and Create Account flows.
You can now sign in without a password: a link to complete the sign-in process is instead sent via e-mail or text message (SMS), and you then remain signed in on that browser indefinitely. Thoughts? If you want to check it out, and help us test it further, sign out and give it a whirl! You can still use a password if you like, and they can be handy for folks with password managers that work across multiple devices. And of course we still have the social sign ins.

(10/1) Some of you were getting a lot of puzzles to prove you were not a 'bot.
We can now turn off the I-am-not-a-robot thing on a user-by-user basis, and have done so for folks who were having trouble. Let us know if you have any difficulty starting a game.

If you have any questions, problems or suggestions, please contact support: Send E-mail

New words in NWL23 (2-8 letters):

ack aro ats bae dox fam fav goy hos loc pwn vax

arie aros baes bruh cath copi cria crip cuck doxx fams favs folx gank goys guac haos hoss jedi kori larp lewk locs mani marg milf mpox nare noob oppo pedi pheo pube pwns rabi roid spaz stan stim twat vaxx welp yaje yeet zens zuke

abyed atted botox broey bruhs bubba caths celly chaga chola cholo convo corys cosmo covid crias crips cucks doxed doxes dukka durag eeled effed faver finna firee fugly ganks gepik glamp gonna gotta goyim guacs haole hundo hygge iftar incel innie inros inspo intel janky jedis jiaos kamis koris laggy larps lewks manis margs milfs naped natto nduja noobs nooky oppos outie paleo panko pedis pheos pommy poofy pwned queso rabis rando roids shart sitch spazz spork stans stims swole thwap tryna twats tyins unsub vacay vaxed vaxes vibed wagyu wanna yajes yeets zukes

adorbs asshat atting birria bohunk boujee broier bubbas buckra cathed cellie chagas channa cheffy chicha cholas cholos chonky cidery convos coulda covids cringy cucked deixes deleaf doxing doxxed doxxes dukkah dukkas durags empath emping fanart favest firees franco futsal ganked geotag gepiks glamps gnetum goetta goyish greeks hadean handsy haoles hoasca hoglet hokkus hosses hucked hundos hunkey hunkie hygges iftars incels innies inspos intels ixnays jamoke jesuit jollof kanaka keytar kharif kippot kratom larped larper leafer lipoed locing lueses maskne matcha meetup midder modded modder mpoxes nattos ndujas neonic newses noobie nookie onesie otakus ouncer outies oxgall paleos peepal pommie proned prones punked pwning quesos ramens randos repost retcon rouxes salume salumi sexted sharts shiksa shikse shived siloes skeezy spazes sporks swoler thwaps tyiyns unmute unpair unsubs vacays vaxing vaxxed vaxxes verbed vibing walier woulda yeehaw yeeted zaatar zedonk zonkey zoodle zoomer

abyeing adulted aedeses agender ahadith altcoin amirite angsted asshats assless asswipe backend birrias birther blimped blueway bodycam bohunks bonsais boricua botoxed botoxes bougier boujier bourgie broiest buckras camgirl cathing cellies ceriman channas chatbot chichas chiplet chromis cohesin corival cosplay cotijas cringey crypses crypsis cryptid cubesat cucking dashcam deadass deboard degorge deleafs demonym dogpile doxings doxxing dukkahs dumbass eelings eggcorn ekueles emailer empaths empings epigyna epigyne fanarts fatberg feceses fintech flavedo francos fuglier furries fusumas futsals ganking geeking geosmin geotags girlies glamped glamper gnetums goettas goyishe greyout guleses gummies hanguls haptics heishis hoascas hoglets hucking hunkeys hunkies inkings ixnayed jakeses jamokes jankier jegging jesuits jollofs juicery kanakas kayfabe kettled keytars kharifs kobocha kratoms kumbaya laggier larpers larping leafers lipoing maitake maltman maltmen masknes matchas meadery meetups meikler melinjo meltier middest modders moddest modding mofongo mulatto namaste neonics noobies nookies nutball omakase onesies ouncers oxgalls pantsed pantses peepals pickney pirogis plushie pommies poofier prehire preneed prepper proning punking rapinis realias redbush redneck reposts retcons rewatch senryus sharted sheeney sheenie shegetz shicksa shiksas shikseh shikses shiving shivved shoulda sitches sizeism sizeist slushee slushie snarked spazzed spazzes sponcon stanned stimmed stuffie swolest tabeses tasered thingie unmuted unmutes unpairs unvaxed vaquita vaxxing verbing waliest wallier yeeting zaatars zedonks zeedonk zonkeys zoodles zoomers

adulting agarwood allyship alnicoes altcoins ambigram amiright angsting apiphobe ariaries asexuals asswipes autofill autofoci babymoon backends bandsawn bigender birthers blimping blueways bodycams boricuas botoxing bougiest boujiest bourgier bourgies bralette brutaler bubkeses bulblike bupkeses bupkises bupkuses camgirls carnitas cerimans chatbots cheffier chiplets chirrens chonkier churidar ciderier cideries clapback cocksman cocksmen cohesins coloreds comitias compases concasse conelike corivals cornhole cosplays coulises cringest cringier cryptids cubesats dabbings dashcams datafile daywears deadname deboards debrises deepfake degorged degorges deleafed demonyms dickhead diegeses diegesis diegetic dogpiled dogpiles doxxings dystopic eggcorns emailers epigynes epigynum eyewears faeceses fascites fatbergs fauceses fauxhawk femicide fintechs flankens flavedos flowback fricking fugliest fynboses galabeya geosmins geospace germline glamazon glampers glamping gnocchis greyouts handsier headbutt hogsbane horchata iritides ixnaying jankiest jeggings jesuitic jesuitry kayfabes kettling kobochas kombucha laggiest landrace lapsuses larpings losartan lysergic maitakes maquises meiklest melinjos meltiest mephites midlifes mofongos mooncake mulattos multihit nachases nacheses namaskar namastes nihonium novocain nutballs omakases omnicide ossicone pageview palaises paleoart pantsing parousia petaflop pickneys pierogis plushies pneumata poofiest poontang pothoses pranayam preppers pretonic raftable rappinis rednecks reposted rowhouse rufiyaas savasana shamings sharting sheeneys sheenies shicksas shiksehs shitpost shitshow shivving shkotzim shoutout sizeisms sizeists skeezier skiwears slushees smishing snarking soundbar spazzing speedrun sponcons stanning stepdown stimming stuffies tasering thwapped tiringly topdress tortiere tramadol tsoreses tsorises unbanked unmalted unmuting unvaxxed vaquitas walliest whitetip wingsuit wokeness zeedonks